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  • Suzie Lemos

Layer by Layer: The Future of 3D Printed Collaborations

With countless possibilities being explored, the digitisation of 3D printing has led to a new era of property personalisation.

Advantages of 3D-printed collaborations

For the creatives in the field, collaborations are the only way forward. Tim Gerustjens, MX3D’S co-founder, has expressed his opinions on the topic, informing professionals and the curious it will “bring beauty back to design and construction”. Innovators such as Tim Gerustjens and Enrico Dino, founder of D-Shape question the need to dominate the built environment with 3D printing, but rather collaborate on one-off projects and introduce details that were once ignored.

Considered to be the first, Softkill’s Design Fibrous Protohouse 2.0 was designed to be downloaded and 3D printed, enabling people to print objects and upgrade their own home.

A mixture of technological advances with new real estate prospects is what the current built environment needs.

Such examples can be found below, and can also be found on Built-ID.

WATG Urban

In 2016, WATG Urban designed the first Curve Appeal freeform 3D-printed home, which also won the Freeform Home Design Challenge. It features a blend of curved angles and varnished windows, the project is revolutionary in modern residential design.  WATG Urban decided to take a step further and contact a structural firm to design a net zero energy structure, and collaborate with Branch Technology to create a sustainable construction process.

WATG Urban- Curve Appeal ( Click to view more)


The 12-meter long stainless steel “SMARTER Bridge” features the same level of intricate details that appear on its 17th-century predecessors.

Located in Oudezijds Achterburgwal, central Amsterdam, MX3D collaborated with specialists to develop a smart sensor network which could monitor the bridge’s health in real time.

Shortly after, the robotic additive manufactures collaborated with The  Alan Turing Institute, who designed and installed the sensor network on the bridge. Installing the responsive system provides engineers with on-site data, enabling them to “teach” the bridge, hypothetically, how many people utilize the site and how long their journey takes.

Expected to be finished this year, we can’t wait for the final product.

MX3D- Smarter Bridge

MX3D- Smarter Bridge (Click image to view more)

MX3D- Cucuyo

A mobile outdoor cocoon shaped sculpture located in Pérez Art Museum, Miami. The grab-and-go café was originally designed by South Florida’s BBA, Berenblum Busch Architects, who collaborated with MX3D to manufacture the design.

Created out of stainless steel, the 3D printed sculpture was built using high-tech thin crossbeams to encase the interior of the café and provide protection.

Its main design influence stems from the context and architecture of PAMM, the Pérez Art Museum.

MX3D- Cucuyo

MX3D- Cucuyo (Click image to view more)

Sam Jacob Studio

Sam Jacob Studio was commissioned by Sto Werkstatt to explore and showcase the imperfections in architectural representation within the digital and physical world. The project, One Thing After Another was exhibited in Clerkenwell Design Week in 2016 at the Sto Gallery.  

Highlighting the exchange of information, the original shed is placed inside the 3D printed shed made from Verolith. Another digitised version of the shed is produced, scaled and placed inside the original shed.

The main ambition of the project is the transformation digital tools have on everyday life, specifically with representations.

Instead of illustrating the efficiency digital technologies have, the focus was on the transformation digital tools have on everyday life, specifically with representations.

Sam Jacob Studio- One Thing After Another

Sam Jacob Studio- One Thing After Another (Click image to view more)

Have you recently collaborated or been involved in a 3D printing project? We would be delighted to feature your work. You can email us on


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